How an Uni student got a luxury first home in Melbourne by working part time

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With the story written by Alex Turner-Cohen published in on 28 August 2021, it can be a reference to encourage young people today that “you can get it if you really want it”.

According to the article, in the year 12, Mr Adam Feng had decided that he wants a property. Today, he is 21 years old. He got his first one-bedroom luxury apartment from Sky Garden in May this year at Glen Waverley with 2 part-time jobs at café while studying part-time at Uni.

With 20 hours of class and worked 56 hours a week, Mr Feng managed to save $50,000.00 in six months.

Many people may argue that he had got help financially from his parents in both the purchase deposit and his living expenses, but forget the most important part of this story, which is Mr Feng’s Strong Willingness.

Having a strong willingness together with the professional help from Tree Finance Group, we will assist you from the initial planning towards to the goal you wanted.

Source: A. Turner-Cohen | How Melbourne Uni Student Saved Enough to Buy First Home | (28 Aug 2021)


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